Welcome to The Articulate Blog!  This blog gives an insight into The Articulate and the benefits of coworking, highlights the fantastic work from our members, and showcases the many events that are held in our creative space.

With so many coffee shops, café’s, and public buildings available one might wonder why they would feel a need to cowork.  Many of these places offer the same or similar benefits that coworking spaces provide including Wi-Fi, desk space, and the ever-important bottomless coffee.  The worker can come and go as they please and even use these places for networking and meeting with clients.  After all, couldn’t you do most of that from your home as well?

You could… but it would be a mistake.  The one thing all of these places lack or are missing all together is the main reason why coworking is so successful.  The people.  Coworking not only allows for the personal benefits an entrepreneur or someone who works remotely needs, it also surrounds you with similar minds fostering a creative atmosphere.  The Articulate aims to attract creative minds and bring them together in one professional workspace.  By doing so it stimulates creative discussion, allows for assistance when you need it, and has the potential to bring in new ideas you never would have thought about.  Working from home or coffee shops can be productive at times, but one is far more likely to look around their home and become distracted by chores they have been putting off.  At a coffee shop, you might eliminate the home distractions, but what happens when you are stuck with a problem you just can’t figure out or are looking for feedback on a project?   Coworking can eliminate the need to search google for every uncertainty and can supply invaluable feedback from others who are more than willing to help.  In the few weeks I’ve been at The Articulate, I’ve witnessed a member aid another in naming a kumbucha cocktail he was creating.  Another helped make suggestions to a photographer with questions on their camera and shared different techniques they like.  Personally, a member took time to ask me about my life and volunteered to assist in any way while I search for career opportunities post-graduation.  The willingness of people to help is remarkable and keeps you wanting to come back.


The Articulate knows our members have many day-to-day tasks that can get in the way of networking with others or getting assistance on a problem they have. This is why we strive to host multiple events throughout each month geared toward networking and learning.  Some of these events include member happy hours where members can simply learn more about each other by connecting in a casual and low stress atmosphere.  We also host a member premier night about once a month that allows members to give a presentation of what they have been working on and gain valuable feedback.  While happy hours and premier nights are for members only, The Articulate also hosts multiple public events as well.  Both co-founders of The Articulate, Patrick and John, have hosted a photographer’s basics class where participants received one-on-one training on how to best utilize their camera. 

This coming weekend, you are invited to an event at The Articulate open to anyone in the community!  On Friday March 3rd we will be hosting the Corndoggies Food Truck one-year anniversary!  Come enjoy all the corn dogs you can eat as well as several local artists’ displays around our space.   For more information on these and all other Articulate events, please check out our events page.  If you would like to experience the benefits of coworking for yourself, contact us to get a tour of our space and learn more about our membership options!